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2016-2017 Team

The Neuroscience Association for Undergraduate Students (NAUS) represents neuroscience students at the University of Toronto.
Stay tuned for the various social and academic events that we organize throughout the year!

Claudia Tersigni

I am so pleased that I get the chance to represent the Neuroscience student body for the second year in a row. Fostering a sense of community is something that is very important to me. Being a commuter student, I found it very challenging to balance school and extracurriculars upon transitioning to university. After deciding to study neuroscience in second year, I found my home at UofT! I hope to create a welcoming, pleasant, and positive environment for everyone in the Neuroscience program to ensure that all students have the best experience possible in the short time we have here. In collaborating with fellow peers, students, faculty members, and even alumni – we are putting forth some fantastic events this year. Members of the executive council are always willing and able to talk neuro with you, and we are always open for suggestions on bettering our council and events!

Fun fact,  I actually first became interested in neuroscience after being the end of a running joke throughout high school that I was going to be a brain surgeon. Who would have thought?!

Nessayney Para

I’m in my third year doing a double major in neuroscience and psychology. This year I got the wonderful opportunity to be the secretary for NAUS. When I was young I wanted to be able to sing like Adele. Today I still want to be able to sing like Adele. I am an ecstatic potterhead, and I make friends based how much ice cream they buy me! Cheers!

Simon Spichak
VP Academic

I love neuroscience because I get to combine different perspectives to approach and solve research questions. Fun fact,  my spirit animal is a purple squirrel.

Luke Bannon
VP Social

I am in my third year of undergrad.  One fun fact about myself is this past summer I was in a Sport Chek running commercial.  I love studying Neuroscience because I find learning about the brain very fascinating!  I am most interested in learning about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and brain tumours.

Wazaira Khan
Graphic Designer

I’m in my third year at U of T completing a double Major in Neuroscience and Immunology. I love neuroscience because it’s such an interdisciplinary field of study. The intricacies of the brain intrigue me. Plus, oligodendrocyte sounds really cool.   Fun fact, I add Sriracha to basically anything edible. 

CJ Kim
3nd Year Rep

Growing up, I loved puzzles and there’s no doubt that the brain’s the biggest puzzle of them all. I am currently a Neuroscience specialist, Psychology major and Physiology minor, largely interested in the biochemical and behavioural effects of pain. In my spare time, you can find me rock climbing or practicing the art of beatboxing in a random park. Pleased to meet you!

Amy Freeman
2nd Year Rep

I’m a second year student majoring in Neuroscience and Molecular Genetics & Microbiology. I’ve always had a passion for neuroscience and I am especially interested in studying the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases. In my spare time, I love dancing, playing basketball, and hanging out with friends.

I am so excited to be a part of NAUS this year! We have a lot of great events coming up and I hope to see all of my fellow Neuroscience students there. As a second year representative, I am looking forward to meeting all of you and promoting an environment of inclusivity and support within the Neuroscience community.

I love meeting new people, so if you see me around campus, don’t be afraid to say hi!

Rania Faidi

Hey budding neuroscientists! I have been involved with NAUS for three years, and it’s been an honour seeing our council grow every year. We consistently have remained a warm and tight-knit family of approachable and hard working executives. My vision for NAUS this year is to not only strengthen connection between students, faculty and alumni, but shine light on the  hard work and talent of some of our best students in the Neuroscience Department. While we continue to craft our events for this year, please don’t hesitate to send us any of your comments, concerns, doubts or ideas! If you are seeking advice on any neuro-related matter please reach out to us, we almost always have an answer! 
Fun fact, I binge watch The Office at least twice a year, every year (I relate to Michael Scott on a spiritual level).

Waleed Khan

No introduction needed.

Amanda Cheung
VP Social

Why I love Neuroscience: WHY NOT?!?!!

Fun Fact: I’ve travelled to 15 countries this year!

Emerson Daniele
VP Communications 

I am in my third year at U of T completing a specialist in neuroscience and a minor in psychology! Neuroscience rocks my socks because I love understanding  what makes people tick. Fun fact, I’ve seen Marianas Trench in concert 10 times.

Jeff Stulberg
Graduating Year Rep

I am in my 4th year, and am currently the graduating year representative for NAUS. One fun fact about myself is that my middle name is the same as the tobacco company, Philip Morris. Why do I love neuroscience? I think the better question is what’s not to love about neuroscience!?

Rima Elsayed
2nd Year Rep

I’m very excited about being one of NAUS’s second year representatives. Ever since high school I have been extremely interested in every inch of the nervous system, from the peripheral nerves at the tip of our fingers to the wonderful spine and its reflexive roles, and of course to the incredibly complex but fascinating brain. When I entered university I attended every event I could find relating to neuroscience (many held by NAUS!) and it was so fascinating and fun, so I’ve been hoping to be part of and play a greater role in the fabulous neuroscience community since first year. I am currently doing a specialist in neuroscience, a major in physiology and a minor in computer science.

In my spare time I love to play table-tennis (spontaneously ask me anytime and I will be down to play with you), I love exploring the city, hiking, and cycling.

Moriam Ahmed
2nd Year Rep

I’m so excited to be one of the second year representatives here at NAUS this year! My job is to voice the interests of second year neuroscience students, and help plan fun and useful events. I’m looking forward to meeting with other neuroscience students and helping foster an inclusive community at U of T. If you have any ideas or concerns, please let me know! I love neuroscience because I am fascinated with the idea that everything we are – how we think, feel and act – is a result of minute biological processes taking place in the brain, an organ that is a delightful mystery we are only just beginning to understand. This is why I am particularly interested in how neurobiological processes control physiological systems, and thus I’m doing a Neuroscience Specialist with a Physiology major. Fun fact about me – I’ve been known as the Mouse Whisperer since ’97.

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